Welcome to our 4:30 a.m. meeting place! |
On top of a few late nights, we have been battling illness. I was knocked out with a cold the first weekend and managed to get that nasty "being stabbed in the abdomen repeatedly and vomiting everything...like, EVERYTHING" stomach flu this past weekend. We didn't miss any workouts because of the cold but I felt awful nonetheless. The stomach flu, however, royally messed up this past week for me. We had already skipped Friday morning's early workout because of a super late night for Joel (like, past midnight). We intended on doing it Friday night to catch up and then working out Saturday night instead of the morning to give us the rest time. Well, Friday night we ended up in our bed with the boys and we woke up at 11:00p.m. to everyone sprawled in different corners, snoring, drooling etc. We moved the boys and said, "Yup! Back to bed!" So our new plan was to do Friday's workout on Saturday and not have a rest day on Sunday. Well, Saturday began the flu for me. Joel stuck to his plan and got his workouts in Saturday and Sunday. I missed both and decided not to stress about "catching up" but to just get back to it on Monday. I subbed out the Monday morning workout for one I know is more challenging and will get back to early morning wake up with Joel on Tuesday and we'll be on the same workout. This is progress in and of itself in my eyes because a year ago, I'd have quit by now saying "see, it just never works!" Well, life happens. It's not about perfect execution. It's about adaptation and perseverance. It's also been an important committment between the two of us that if one of us skips and the other IS CAPABLE of working out, that they still stick to it. This has helped motivate the other (me thus far) to get back to it because Joel is on track. NOT TO COMPETE but to maintain our progress together.
Adaptation and Perseverance NOT perfection. |
Our routine prior to March 3rd was that he rose at 5a.m. to get ready and left by 6. I slept until he left for work and I would either get up on my own or usually one of the boys was up anyway and I started my day. We both work our asses off all day long to re-congregate at the dinner table for 6/6:30 p.m. We scoff down dinner until 7 when we give the boys baths and then get them ready for 8:00p.m. bed time. From there, we clean the kitchen, fold a load of laundry, watch 18 episodes of Breaking Bad, fight, eat oreos, play candy crush...you know, the stuff real married people do! Our bed time was 11p.m.
We tried breaking up our gym times and each of us getting in workouts different nights of the week. This posed several problems. Joel's routine is highly inconsistent. And because the Devil is real, his late nights almost always fell on what were my nights to get out. Then I didn't want to give up Target nights or date nights to catch up on workouts and before you knew it we had 1 night a week where ONE of us could work out. Asenine. For lack of real articulation of the issue here I'll just say that it just doesn't work at night. After a 12-13 hour day to ask 2 parents (1 who is done with the kids and the other who is feeling deprived of them, both who are feeling the heaviness of too much time apart every day) to separate an additional 1-2 hours of the night is unreasonable. We would fight more and felt worse in this routine. I constantly felt tired and was convinced that lack of sleep was my issue. "I'm not getting a full 8 hours!" I would say. Well, I'm still not getting 8 hours. And I can tell you the energy has skyrocketted!
We now wake at 4:30 a.m. We are dressed and downstairs by 4:45. We workout until 5:15 or so. From there we shower, and drink our first coffee of the day together. The boys have yet to wake up while we're doing this routine. Granted we are all the way downstairs in our basement but often the shower would wake them when Joel was getting ready alone. Somehow, this has not happened to us yet. We have this entire hour and 1/2 to ourselves. No kids, nothing but us, our goals and some time for conversation after we reach them. It has given me everything I WANTED in the night routine...just in the morning. At night, we still scoff down dinner from 6-7 then do baths and sit with the boys until 8 when they are ready for bed. But we are more motivated to get right up after they go down to get those dishes and laundry done. The sooner the chores are done, the sooner we can hit the sack and rise for another early day. If we are super ambitious, one of us will tackle the dishes and kitchen alone while the other is doing baths so when the boys are ready for bed we have an hour to chill out ourselves at night still. Again, I can't really articulate why, but this doesn't always happen. Sometimes I want to sit in the bathroom with the three of them while the boys are in the tub so I can just TALK TO AN ADULT! And that postpones dishes and laundry until later.
I have been so thrilled with the new 4:30 wake up time. I honestly, can't imagine ever going back! Granted I was sick this weekend, but I slept in this morning (saved my workout for nap time) and I felt awful all morning! I wasn't showered, I was extra slow moving, I wasn't hungry so I skipped breakfast....this list goes on. Waking at 4:30 and getting that workout done gets me up, awake, moving, showered and fed before my kids are awake! I've realized how important the "fed" part here is too. In the morning, alone, I have the time to feed myself. When I'm feeding my kids I just never remember that I exist and need sustenance! Usually, I get them fed (a usually very healthy well balanced meal mind you!), then after I clean up after them, get them settled on an activity and finally get to re-microwave my coffee I go "crap! I never ate breakfast!" Which usually turns into a granola bar. Not. Sustaining. When I can eat a full breakfast without distraction, I do it better.
You work with what you've got. And what we've got is an old t.v., some space on a work bench and a video baby monitor! |
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