One Mom, Infinite Possibilites

Monday, March 3, 2014

To Keep A Soldier Smiling

Many of you may know that my 24 year old brother is a 1st Lieutenant in the Army.  He is currently deployed and serving in Afghanistan during these last few months before the Country's first major elections and the eventual United States pull-out from the region.  This is his first Deployment and we're learning fast how to cope with the hardship of having a loved one so far from home doing work that, to be frank, none of us were brave enough to do.  His deployment puts new perspective on the sacrifices countless soldiers have made and are making to stand up to tyranny and protect the freedoms and liberties we take for granted here in our Homeland.  One thing we've learned swiftly is how quickly their spirits can be cast downward and how important it is to help raise them quickly and try to keep them up. Ryan's got a great sense of humor and always has, as long as I can remember.  My other brother, Sean, all of my family and countless friends will be able to vouch for this ;)  Through this page, I will likely discuss his deployment on occasion and will certainly use it as a way to send him images (like this one) that will help keep a smile on his face until October.

The still-photo just didn't quite capture it when we posted 
back in January, Uncle Ry.Hope this better displays 
the atmosphere here at this house *-*  Miss you tons!
Your sister, brother in law and 2 loooooovely nephews!

Thank you to all of the Soldiers whether deployed overseas, stationed in the States or currently not on Active Duty or retired for spending the time you do away from the ones you love <3  We have yet, as a country and a culture, developed a way to adequately express our gratitude but please know it's there. Unspeakably big and overwhelmingly strong.

Thanks for reading everyone <3


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